FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | October 09, 2012

The American Chemical Society will host a Capitol Hill briefing: Opportunity with STEM, Oct. 16

WASHINGTON, Oct. 9, 2012 — The American Chemical Society (ACS) Science & the Congress Project invites news media to attend a luncheon briefing on “Opportunity with STEM: Attract, Retain, and Diversify.”

The session will be held Tuesday, October 16, from noon to 1:30 p.m., in the Hart Senate Office Building 902. Please RSVP to briefing is sponsored by the ACS Science & the Congress Project with honorary co-host Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO).

Graduates of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degrees stand to earn more in their lifetimes while they also contribute expertise in innovation and technology essential for creating a robust economy and society. Encouraging a diversity of STEM graduates also produces a workforce that empowers all communities to share equally in the benefits of a STEM-literate society. Successful STEM education depends on attracting dedicated students and providing the resources they need to excel. Students need energetic, well-trained STEM teachers and instructional methods and materials that will inspire them. This panel will discuss opportunities and policy measures that can develop students’ creative and critical thinking skills to produce a diverse pool of graduates with a bright, nation-driving future ahead of them. The briefing will feature the following panelists in an open discussion:

Moderator: Martin Storksdieck, Ph.D., National Research Council


  • S. James Gates, Jr., Ph.D., University of Maryland
  • Eunice Heath, The Dow Chemical Company
  • Linda Rosen, Ph.D., Change the Equation
  • Mark Rosenberg, Ph.D., Florida International University

The ACS Science & the Congress Project was established in 1995 to provide a neutral and credible source of scientific information targeted to policymakers on Capitol Hill. Expert speakers are chosen to provide a balanced presentation about the topic under discussion, and their comments are independent of any position that may be held by the ACS, the sponsors of Science & the Congress or its co-hosts. For more information, visit

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